New Blog, New Year, New Habits

30 Dec

I just read Leo Babauta‘s blog post about new year’s resolutions – no, wait, new HABITS. Already sounds so much better! Habits, Leo says, require more patience than resolutions (that never last) but in the long run they can lead to a real change in your life. What’s a better way to start a new blog than linking to this great post ;)

A new year, a new slate of resolutions.

Perhaps the biggest resolution at New Year’s is to get fit — start exercising, start eating right, and all that jazz.

But resolutions never last. As you might already know, I’m not a fan of resolutions.

Instead of creating a list of resolutions this year, create a new habit.

Habits last, and they lead to long-term fitness (and more). They require more patience, but they are worth the wait.

Read the rest here.

Näin aloitin uudenuutukaisen, englanninkielisen, linkkiblogin Learninglish. Blogissa tulee olemaan paljon samaa kuin täälläkin, mutta videoita ja muita tulee olemaan ehkä enemmän, kun tuohon Bloggerpohjaiseen blogiin on helpompi lisätä tiettyjä sovelluksia. Voit siis välillä käydä kurkkaamassa myös tuota toista blogia!

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